If you read my blog on a regular basis, you will know I update my nail colour all the time. On that note, I am always keen to improve my mani technique and with the new products from Stylfile I new I was in for a treat. The innovative products were brought to the market after winning funding on The Apprentice from Lord Sugar, so I was eager to try these eye-catching products.
Step 1. Take off all your nail polish
I like to use nail polish remover pads as they are just easier.
Step 2. Take care of your cuticles
I am using Stylfile mani pro with a cuticle pusher and neatener to ensure there are no ugly cuticles poking out or ruining your fresh new look.

Step 3. Buff away
Buff you nails using a buffer - this will give your nails a shiny finish, even before you apply polish.
Step 4. Clean under your nails
Using the Stylfile 2 with an under nail skimmer I can get rid of any dirt or nail polish residue.

Step 5. File nails
The shape your nails to your desired look, I like to go for a more rounded finish.

Step 6. Use cuticle oil
Nourish your nails with cuticle oil, they Stylfile has enough oil for 365 days!
Step 7. Finally apply your perfect colour

By Time2Gossip - 02.04.2015